—  Science  Art

I tend to put my apps in “folders” (boxes?) on my iPhone, themed by category. I noticed ...

Driving into Montreal (where I have recently moved) I was using, as I generally do when driving, Goo...

Since early this year my partner and I have kept a list where we add a new French word that we learn...

Mother’s Day (at least in Canada) was on May 10. Seeing as my mother, who lives in Nova Scotia, is...

To be clear, this post is not any sort of rigorous (or even unrigorous) analysis, but just a “...

In this time where everyone is coming out with their own bespoke model of the Covid-19 epidemic ther...

I have been using a countdown timer that breaks my time up into different work and break segments. I...

I remember being in a high school class in France (I was on a Rotary Club exchange) and the teacher ...

Life in France has experienced a few alterations over the last weeks due to concerns over the spread...

I think a good rule of thumb is to assume that if someone is proposing some sort of financial transa...

I moved from New York to Toronto in the fall of 2016 to begin a PhD. When I pass through my old home...

I came across a photo I had taken last May while in the hospital waiting area (at Mt. Sinai in Toron...

Just an observation that Google maps accounts for hills when estimating walk time. Which is a though...

At our apartment in Belleville, Paris, we lived within a 6 minute walk of four Carrefour grocery sto...

Initially, I was impressed that the public/city bike option in Paris offered both regular and electr...

In Boston today I was walking into a CVS when I noticed that next to each tree the city had carefull...

I tried to check in for my flight to Boston in advance and, at the very end (after entering all of m...

At some point it will be time to leave WordPress templates and the hodgepodge of plugins/css/sliders...

A friend asked if I could share some scripts to get fMRI data in proper BIDS format. So I thought it...

On weekends my girlfriend and I (and sometimes others who join) have been attempting to set aside a ...